Hey thanks man! I'm excited to check out your site and thoughts on films. Go ahead and comment as much as you would like haha.

For the Artifice Girl, one of the most interesting components was the juxtaposition between the purpose of the AI (to protect the innocent), while the AI itself (innocent) was being taken advantage of. It was especially shocking using child predators in that role.

The film felt more positive towards AI than I was expecting. I think the purpose was to use AI as the anchor to spotlight the frailty and failings of humanity. The only problem is that AI is incredibly trendy right now, so the story might take on more than intended.

My thoughts are so scattered on this though. There was a lot packed into those 90 or so minutes and I think it would take a second viewing to really deconstruct it further.

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Would love to hear your spoiler-filled thoughts on this one. Just saying. There's a lot going on in this one... culturally, socially, etc. etc. But yeah. I get the problem. By the way, I did a write up of Force Majeure over at https://taylorholmes.com/2023/06/09/force-majeure-subtle-mindjob-discussed-and-recommended/ and gave your blog a couple of shoutouts. I swear I won't comment on every single post, though I considered it.

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